
Lyons Tartan

Clan Lyon is a Scottish clan with a long and extensive background. It is believed that the clan may originate in the early Middle Ages, and it played an integral part in the politics and conflicts that characterized medieval Scotland. Lyon is also known for its distinctive tartan pattern. Lyon clan also is famous for its unique tartan pattern that is used as a symbol of pride and belonging. The family's tartan is typically linked to the colors yellow, blue, and green. It is believed that the Lyon clan is considered to be an element of The Clan Graham, which is one of the most influential and powerful clans in Scotland. It's important to remember that various tartan manufacturers could have distinct styles for the particular clan and not all of them have a distinct design.
The family is believed to be founded in the middle of the Middle Ages, and it played a key part in the politics and wars of medieval Scotland. It is also known as the Lyon clan and also is well-known for its distinctive tartan design that is worn as a sign of pride and belonging. It is believed that the Lyon clan is currently considered a sept of the Clan Graham, which is one of the most influential and powerful clans of Scotland. It is important to note that different tartan manufacturers could have distinct designs for specific clans and not all of them have a distinctive design. For instance, certain Lyon tartans feature blue and yellow, and green stripes, some may have distinct styles or colors. In general, Lyon tartans are characterized by yellow, blue, and green hues.
