
Blair Modern Tartan

The Blair Modern Tartan, with its rich palette and distinctive sett, carries the legacy of the Clan Blair—a name deeply rooted in Scottish history. The crest of a stag lodged and the motto "Amo Probos" (Love the Virtuous) encapsulate the enduring values of integrity and respect for nature that have guided the clan across centuries. Originating from Blair in Ayrshire, the clan's name—derived from the Gaelic "Blar," meaning "field" or "battlefield"—hints at a landscape steeped in history and the echoes of ancient conflicts. Despite being armigerous, and lacking a recognized chief today, Clan Blair maintains a strong identity through its tartan. Although documented by the Scottish Tartan Society in the 1990s, this modern family sett harks back to designs prevalent in the 1920s and 1930s, bridging the past with the present. Notable ancestors, like Roger de Blair, have left an indelible mark on Scottish history, with their valiant contributions to critical battles such as Bannockburn in 1314, underscoring the clan's resilience and courage.
The Blair Modern Tartan presents a captivating visual narrative with its bold combination of blue and green thick stripes, interspersed with slender lines of red and black. This intricate pattern reflects the clan's historical depth and embodies the natural beauty of Scotland's landscapes. The harmonious blend of colors mirrors the diverse yet united aspects of Scottish heritage, making this tartan a symbol of pride and identity for those connected to Clan Blair.
Scottish Kilt, we're dedicated to bringing the essence of Scottish culture to the world through our exquisite range of tartan products. From traditional kilts and skirts to a wide array of accessories like tartan fabrics, hats, fly plaids, sporrans, and kilt flashes—all crafted from the finest acrylic wool—we ensure that every item reflects Scotland's rich heritage and enduring beauty. Embrace the spirit of Scotland with Scottish Kilt, where every tartan tells a story.
